Collaborative Voice: ITF 2018
Thursday July 12, 11:00am
- Dr. Russ Zokaites, Bass Trombone
- Prof. Timothy Anderson, Tenor Trombone
- Dr. Brianna Matzke, Piano
- Dr. Brad Edwards, Narrator
A Quick Trip with Lots of Baggage (2010) Inez McComas
Then I Built a Robot and It Moved Its Arms (2014) Sasu Schildt
Tranquility Shattered! (2014) Will Timmons
Latchn Duets (2018) Brad Edwards
- Everlasting Arms
- He's Gone Away
- Sweet Betsey from Pike
Coffee Stained (2014) Carrie Magin
- Coffee Date
- Perspective
- Along the Cobblestones
- No Second Chance
- Refill, Refuel, Refill
ITF 2018
Collaborative Voice: Performance of New Works for Bass Trombone showcases music perfect for any recital. Each work has been influenced by popular genres and has a unique sound. The collection weaves its way through dance music, serious topics, Appalachian melodies, and finishes with sarcastic observations of our coffee house culture. You will find something perfect for your next recital.
International Trombone Festival Features Performances by CCM Alumni
Several CCM Alumni performed at the 2018 ITF. Specifically, many of my collaborators and composers are CCM alumni. Please click on the link above to read more.
Recital by the Numbers
A Quick Trip with Lots of Baggage
Russ Zokaites
Composer: Inez McComas
Coffee Stained
Russ Zokaites, Brianna Matzke, Brad Edwards
Composer: Carrie Magin
Tranquility Shattered!
Russ Zokaites
Composer: Will Timmons